Wednesday, September 19, 2007

attn: meeting wednesday

on wednesday,26 september, there will be a much-needed meeting in room 429. future meetings will most likely be held in room 103 due to the large size of our group this year. also, just to give the people who actually read this (which i hope is a lot of you, but i suspect is just a handful) a heads up for upcoming events:

20 september: ellen lupton speaking in ann arbor

26 septmber: first meeting in room 429. please be there.

4 october: we will be having our first lunch and learn (l'n'l) with carrie from m design (during lunch). peter bielenberg, the founder of project m will be speaking in chicago @ 6pm (cst). we are not going as a group, but some of us are driving down after the lunch and learn. it's $10 for aiga members.

11 october: aiga design conference in denver (a handful of us are going. i would recommend talking with brandon, jason, or
suzanne if you have any questions about this)

19 october: chicago trip. details to be discussed 26 september.

lastly, chelsey wanted to know if anyone would be interested in a karaoke party at cheers on plainfield. that way everyone could go (21 or not).

p.s. the new faculty stationary is...well...ugly, for lack of a better word.


jalger said...

So much to do, so little time. Looks like an exciting semester.

Sorry you don't like the design of the stationary. I worked hard on it. Guess not hard enough. I'll try to do better next time... ;)

Anna said...

I love how Jason comments every time lol :)

jalger said...

Regarding stationery et al:

Students Influence Campus Identity

(Sorry my links don't open other pages. I've tried the HTML code blogger provides and it doesn't work.)

And thank you, Anna. I do my best to practice what I preach.

shauna said...

if i can remember to check my blog, i can remember to check this thing...

JayBolt said...

I think I'm getting the hang of this blogging thing finally.
This year seems like it is going to be a good time. We should give lots of high fives to keep moral high and have three legged races to reinforce team work!

scarydinosaur said...

i agree with jay, three legged races are a must ;) is there anyone who wants to go to chicago on the 4th with me? i'm driving, if we get more anyone else want to drive and so on...?

daydream aesthetics said...

hey look. signing up for blogger during type III wasnt a complete waste :P haha. sorry jason.